I have no memory of not being psychic, and able to see/sense the dead. Of course, when you are so young there are no words to describe these types of experiences. My parents often told of the woman I saw floating down the hall, only to pass through their closed bedroom door. I was so young, I'm never quite sure if I actually remember the event, or just the retelling of it. As I grew older, I would encounter ghosts, here and there, in houses of friends and family, that my parents took me to visit. I think I was about 12 when I started to wonder why in the hell are these spooky people always between me and the guest bathroom. But, a girl has to go, when she has to go, so close your eyes and run on by.
By my teen years spirits where coming specifically to me at or soon after the time of their death. I never knew these people, but my mother did. They were her relatives or friends that I had never met.
I was lucky to grow up in a family that was accepting and interested in the paranormal world. Being psychic wasn't considered weird or something to hide. It was occasionally discussed with interest, but otherwise was not constantly dwelt upon. While there's nothing wrong with it, we didn't visit psychics, or possess ouija boards or tarot cards. Being psychic and seeing the dead was just natural in my family.
I grew up reading not only FATE magazine (a paranormal publication), but also magazines like Scientific America. I'll leave it to someone else to figure out the nature vs nurture part. Those two influences are most likely why I'm so sure science, quantum physics specifically, will one day explain being psychic. And, probably, why I think of myself as the logical psychic.
I've always said I have really good guardian angels and spirit guides. Growing up, I never encountered a spirit who presented in a negative way. It was only in my adult years, after I decided to pursue being psychic, that I would see these negative entities. While it was a bit disturbing to find the negative, and yes the evil out there, I found they had no control over me.
Since my early 20's I had been instinctively filling my home and life with the white, loving light. I think it is important to stay positive and in the light. My hope is that people who seek me out for readings will find it a positive experience.
I'm Martha Cormney and look forward to meeting you.
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